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12-06:【学术报告】 山猫免费体育直播2024年系列学术报告(五)
时间:2024年12月05日 12:03 点击:[]



报告题目一:Danish Primary Health Care – structure and functionality



JESPER BO NIELSEN,Professor, Department of Public Health, Research Unit for General Practice University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Also as the representative and leader for the international cooperation with/in China, SDU.

Leadership:Jesper Bo Nielsen (JBN) has for the last 18 years chaired the Department of Public Health with the overall responsibility for staff (>270 employees), economy (annual turnaround >120 million Kroner), research (7 research units plus a few research centers), teaching (3 educations with main responsibility besides participation in 5-6 other educations), and administration. During JBNs time in office, the Department has received more than 1 billion Kroner in external research grants, and strategic collaborations with neighbor institutions have been strengthened through affiliation agreements.

Research profile:Over the recent years, JBN has attracted substantial funding and initiated independent research projects within areas such as medical risk analysis, risk communication, medical decision making, and development and use of decision aids. The four themes relate to the interaction between citizen, patient and health care professionals with a focus on risk behavior, communication, barriers and incitements, and decision aids.

Research Funding:JBN has since 2003 received +15 million kroner in personal grants. Besides these personal grants, JBN has been grant holder for a 17 million kroner grant from the Danish Cancer Society to establish and run a research center on cancer rehabilitation and + 60 million kroner international grants for research and educational purposes. Together with ?lborg University and a colleague from Social Science JBN also received a grant of 10 million kroner to establish research and education within risk management.

Publications:JBN has published +290 scientific papers mainly in international journals with peer review (n=+250), +40 within the last 5 years. JBN has an h-index of 42 (ResearchGate) with +30,000 reads.(供稿:董新文)

报告题目二:Studying for Master in Public Health at University of Southern Denmark





  • NSFC国家自然科学基金
  • NSSFC国家社会科学基金
  • 国家科技管理信息系统公共服务信息平台
  • 河南省科技信息综合管理系统
  • 河南省教育厅


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